To Do
This list contains items for Scott Dunlop to do for the Cloud Wiki application.
- Respect accept-charset and ensure that received data is promoted to UTF-8.
- Editor comments -- text that is only displayed in the editor, like a source code comment.
- Definition pairs with the syntax "* <term> -- <definition>"
* dictionary list -- a heavily abused html construct that is especially useful
when writing technical documentation.
- Pass through authentication for slow editing sessions.
- Display conflict and re-edit, instead of forcing the user to twitch the browser around to re-edit.
- Multiple paragraph list items using indentation.
- Embedding preformatted text lines in list items.
* This a relatively complicated list entry.
This is a continuation of the first paragraph.
This is a second paragraph in the same list entry.
> And this is some preformatted code in that list entry.
/ And, simply to be obscene, this is an editorial in that entry.
- Add a gateway for listing unwritten nodes.
- Add an unwritten table for nodes that have not been written.
- Add a gateway for listing 'unwritten nodes'
- Add a method for Node Revisions
- User registration gateway for Cloud authentication format.
- Implement Domains
- Migrate cloud authentication user tables to md5.
Tasks Not Yet Triaged:
- Add static overlay files
- In-list paragraphs, images and tables.
- Add an annotation for remote links to the stylesheet.
- Standard javascript inclusions
- Javascript node name autocompletion feature for node editing.
- Javascript button for hiding editorial P's.
- cloud-wiki start when the server was abruptly terminated by a crash