Delete Does Not Purge Cache Bug

This bug was reported in Version 2.1, and was present in Version 1.0, Version 1.1, Version 1.2, Version 2.0. It has been fixed in Version 2.2.


After deleting a node, with "cloud-wiki rm", an entry in the CloudHtml table associated with the node remains. This prevents subsequent recreation of the node. Any efforts to recreate the node will yield an Error 500, although the database integrity will be preserved and the server will not become unstable.

Fixed in Version 2.2:

No workaround in Version 2.2 is required -- migrating from Version 2.1 to Version 2.2 automatically purges the HTML cache.

Workaround for Version 2.0 and Earlier:

The following command will purge all HTML from the database -- the wiki will be sluggish on first access of each node, as it must regenerate the node and all pages referenced by the node.

sqlite wiki.db
> DELETE FROM CloudHtml;

This is an entry in the bug list.