Ire Exceptions Not Explained Bug

This bug was reported in Version 1.2, but should be present in Version 1.0 and Version 1.1. This bug was fixed for Version 2.0.


When Cloud Wiki encounters a URL that does not match its URL scheme, it raise an exception called an "InvalidRequestError". Cloud Wiki does not provide sufficient information to the log file, or the offending http client, to properly explain that the request was merely invalid or badly formed.

This is a cosmetic issue, and has no serious impact on servers running versions of Cloud Wiki prior to Version 1.3.

From the logs, with base-url set to /devel, and a direct connection to the server port by a client requesting /

localhost -- [06/Feb/2005 00:17:35] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "./cloud_wiki/", line 344, in respondTo
    raise InvalidRequestError( request=req.getAction() )

InvalidRequestError: An inexplicable error has occurred while processing your request.

localhost -- [06/Feb/2005 00:17:35] "GET /devel/style.css HTTP/1.1" 400 -
localhost -- [06/Feb/2005 00:17:36] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 -
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "./cloud_wiki/", line 344, in respondTo
    raise InvalidRequestError( request=req.getAction() )

InvalidRequestError: An inexplicable error has occurred while processing your request.


Cloud Wiki's CloudError class had changed from looking for "TextTemplate" to "StrTemplate". Evidently, the client was still getting the correct HTML response, but the server log was getting the default 'inexplicable' message.

A simple replace of TextTemplate with StrTemplate should solve the problem.

This is an entry in the bug list.