Cloud Wiki Markup

To create Local Links, which link to neighboring nodes in the wiki, are expressed by enclosing the title of the node in curly braces. For example:

{Local Link}

Remote Links, which link to remote URL's, are expressed by enclosing the URL in curly braces and, optionally, following it with a title. For example:

{http://localhost Remote Link}

To produce a heading, start the line with an exclamation point, "!".

To produce a subheading, start the line with a doubled exclamation point, "!!"

To produce an editorial comment, start the line with a forward-slash, "/". These editorial comments are not included in serialized static pages.

/ This is an example. -- {Scott Dunlop}

To separate paragraphs in Cloud Wiki, use an empty line.

To protect preformatted code from Cloud Wiki Markup, start the line with the greater-than symbol, ">".

To create an unordered, bulleted list, start each consecutive line with an asterisk, "*"

* the first item
* the second item
* the third item

Images may be embedded by enclosing a URL to the image in square brackets.


Tables are constructed from a contiguous sequence of table rows. Each row is a line, starting with the pipe character, |, and consists of one or more cells. Cells in the line are separated by pipes, and the line should end in a pipe character, although the parser is smart enough to accept its absence.

For example:

|      | column 1 | column 2 |
| row1 | cell 1,1 | cell 2,1 |
| row2 | cell 1,2 | cell 2,2 |


column 1 column 2
row1 cell 1,1 cell 2,1
row2 cell 1,2 cell 2,2

This page is a part of the Cloud Wiki Manual, and needs rename to Haze Markup Language.